Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Today was traumatic for me. Apparently my ISP, who happens to be AT&T, was experiencing a 5-state internet outage, and would not be up and running until 7pm tonite. It was during this outage that I realized just exactly how addicted I am to the internet. Really quite disturbing. I'm surprised I didn't break out into a cold sweat and get the shakes. Honestly, it was this side of 10 years that I was using encyclopedias for research, calling the airline up to book a flight, and either looking for a phone booth or waiting to get home to make a call. What the heck happened?i Technology happened, that's what. And you know what?? I love it. I love seeing people on their cell phones walking around campus. I love seeing little white earbuds in 75% of the population's ears. I think I'm a pretty techno-suave person. I mean, I'm no programming geekazoid, but I can troubleshoot with the best of them.

But today I was concerned for myself. Can you imagine if I were some high up business exec?? I'd never talk face to face with anyone if I didn't have to!! I can see it now. Me IM'ing my kids from the computer in the kitchen telling them to come down to dinner. Calling them on their cell phones when they're in the backyard on the trampoline telling them it's time for bed.

Oh geez.

Good news: Kelly Pickler got voted off! Hooray! She was endearing in the beginning, but dang if she just didn't turn out to be THE most annoying person the face of the Earth. Plus, she's not cute. And she wears WAAAAAY too much makeup. I'm pretty sure she uses a putty knife to put it on. Blech.

Ok, I have a patho exam tomorrow. I really should be studying....But hey, I have a lot of sufing to make up for...

1 comment:

Lara said...

ARRGH!! I DVR'd Idol and I haven't watched it yet!

I had the power go out on me about a year ago, and I had NOTHING for three hours. I sure appreciated technology then! I know what you mean.
