Sunday, May 14, 2006


One final down, 4 to go. Today's wasn't all that bad. I rocked the extra credit, so I'm not too worried.

It has yet to stop raining. Enough already!

Still sick. It's not going away. Probably b/c I'm up super late every night instead of sleeping. Get a clue, Karen!

Went to dinner with friends last night. I was super bitchy, so if you were a victim of my bitchiness, I apologize. In my defense, I was starving, sick, and had a huge headache. No excuse really, but that's all I got.

Keane has a new album coming out June 20--I'm super pumped about it. It will prolly be the first CD I have actually bought in oh....forever. I'm still bitter about missing them at Summerfest this year.

I've noticed a few things about myself recently. One, I'm not really a germaphobe. Yeah, I wash my hands after I pee and before I eat and stuff, but I'm not obsessive about them. I have a friend who IS a germ freak, and while I love her dearly, I always feel dirty compared to her whenever she's around. I guess I figure that's what our immune systems are for. Another thing I've noticed is that I'm an impatient driver. Having had 2 people follow me this week, I had to make sure I was slow enough so they didn't get lost, stay in my lane behind really slow people, and pretty much drive like an old person. I hated it!!

I was watching a classic episode of Southpark last night, Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo, and came to the realization that it's probably the funniest show on TV. I'd rival you to think of one that even comes close. I laugh out loud regularly watching it. Hilarious.

Tomorrow's Mother's Day, and although my mom doesn't read this or even knows it exists (I think...), I figure I should say something about her. We are finally on speaking terms again, and she's even coming out to visit in July. I'm seeing the whoel fam damily this coming weekend at the Grandparents' 50th Anniversary Gala in Erie, so that should be fun. I'm always apprehensive to see my family. I feel like we don't really know each other anymore-we've both changed. I wonder if things will ever be like they used to be. Still, I love my mom and she really has done a lot for me and our family growing up. So, props to mom, and moms everywhere.

Screw you guys, I'm going home! Talking poo is where I draw the line!--Eric Cartman

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