Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Will work for shoes

What a weekend. Felt like I was exhausted the entire time. We got into Erie Friday night at 2:15am. I drove the entire time--there AND back. Derrick said it's my family, and my car, so I had to drive. Actually, I didn't mind. I like driving. Plus, he's blind as a bat at night anyway.

The party was fun--my Grandma was totally surprised. In fact, she was mad at my Grandpa for not having a party at all. They only went to dinner with my parents and my aunts and uncles. So it was awesome when she walked in and saw everyone waiting for her.

Here's a pic of the entire family. Well, minus 2 cousins and a spouse that couldn't make it. Oh, and my cousin's husband who got cut out of the picture on the very right. Ha.

Total number=33. That included all my cousins and their kids. Which sounds pretty impressive until I compare it to Derrick's IMMEDIATE family-just his siblings and their kids--no cousins or aunts or uncles or anything--and they total 31. Makes our 33 seem puny!!

Here's my familiy minus my brother, who I'm sure was off annoying the hell out of someone somewhere. Way to go mom, for ruining a perfectly good picture.

Now I'm back. No job. No school. Watching all my Tivo from this weekend. I slept till 11. Awesome. Now I gotta get some work done around here. Can't be a bum forever! If you know of a job--hook a sista up!

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