Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Crap, crap, everywhere, and not a toilet to flush.

We have a lot of crap in our apartment. It somehow just accumulates. Anyone who has ever been over can attest to that. I try my best to hide it. The worst part is our clothes. If all the laundry is done, there really isn't anywhere to keep it all. Not enough hangers, not enough drawers. So I said enough is enough!! And the other night we both went through all of our clothes and chucked anything we didn't wear or like anymore. We both have t-shirts that are forever old, but we are both slightly sentimental about them and hated to throw them out. So I saved the ones we liked, and I'm going to cut them up and make a quilt out of them. We both thought that was a pretty good idea. Now we'll see if I ever get around to it... So yesterday I took 3 huge bags to Goodwill. There is still a stack of nice jeans and sweaters that are hardly worn that I kept in hopes that maybe I can sell them. We'll see. Anyway, this is what our bed looked like after we were done...


Next I need to go through my makeup and toss all the old crap I don't use anymore. I'll do my kitchen last, because for some reason I have a special attachment to everything in there. It'll take some gearing up to throw stuff out from there.

It's ridiculously hot here lately. It's awesome. I was going to go work out this morning, but I think I'll just swim some laps and get some sun at the same time.

There was a beehive on our porch. I found it last night. It was SWARMING with bees. Not great news for the deathly-allergic-to-bees husband of mine. So maintenance came this morning and got rid fo it. Yuck.

I can't believe it's August. Man, the summer is FLYING!!! Our weekends are pretty much booked until school starts. And that's sad. Next week is a friend's baby shower, then our anniversary weekend, then I think my MIL is coming, then our friends from NYC are coming for Labor Day. Then school starts, and the next week we go to Boston to see BYU lose to play Boston College. Should be fun. We've never been to Boston before.

Well, the Price is Right is over, and I should get moving. The pool is calling my name!!

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