Wednesday, September 24, 2008


As I have now reached a whopping 24 weeks of pregnancy, I realize I have much to do to prepare for this kid. I've had to ponder many, many things. Which carseat/stroller is best? What type of crib do I want? Cloth or disposable diapers? Bassinet or no? Make or buy crib bedding? But I'll be honest, the one thing that worries me more than anything? The state of my blog after birth. I will probably offend many out there, but I really don't want my blog to be only about the super awesome cute/funny/scary things my baby does. But on the other hand, I want the people who care (grandparents, family) to know what's going on with her, too. It will be a delicate balance to achieve. Because I'll be honest, there are some blogs out there that outline every mundane detail of their days, and it is painfully boring. But I read it b/c they're my friends. I don't want people to read my blog out of obligation.

My blog could very well be only about pregnancy right now, b/c that is pretty much what occupies my thoughts these days. But I realize that's interesting really only to me, so I don't write much about it. Then I think, heck, it's my blog! I should write what I want! This blogging business is all very complicated.

So. That being said, I will indulge in a somewhat pregnancy post. I'll even post a picture! Things are going great so far. I had an appointment on Monday and everything is going just as it should. She kicks a lot, which I love. She is more active at night...just like her mom! I gained as much weight in the past 4 weeks as I did during the first 20. Looks like it's all starting to catch up to me!

We've (I've) started to buy more things for her...mostly clothes and random things for the nursery. It's weird to see all these baby things in our apartment.

Mostly, though, I'm just excited to see what she looks like. I'm nervous about the delivery. I'm hoping I'm strong enough and she's cooperative enough so I can have the natural delivery that I want. I'm hoping she's a good eater, right from the start. Speaking of eating, the lovely
Kara, who is due in a mere 2 weeks, hosted a little sewing group today where we sewed nursing covers. Hooter Hiders, if you will. A side note about Kara: this girl never stops. She's amazing. I'm sure she'll be cooking up casseroles and sewing halloween costumes while she's still in the hospital. Seriously. Plus, she looks fabulous for being due any day!! Anyway, it was fun to get together and sew and chat, and we all made such cute covers! Check mine out!

It's reversible, and I love the fabrics. Now I want to make a brown one. You know, one black, one brown...they'll go with everything!

Being pregnant has made me reeaaallllly tired all the time. So, even though it's only 9:30, I think I'll be going to bed now. I work the next two days, so I know I'll need the extra Z's!

But hooray for having the weekend off!


Unknown said...

I had a great time today as well and very pleased with the end result. This is just the beginning of our monthly craft out, this could get crazy!

AnnP said...

I am aware that my blog has become one of those boring every-detail-of-my-baby-filled-blogs, but to tell the truth, that is my life at the moment. And, that is pretty much why I started my blog. We (like you) live so far away from family that they all kept calling to ask how the pregnancy was going, that I decided I was tired of repeating the same info over and over.

Anyways, that was a very long ramble about very little. I think the point was, I definately applaud your efforts to have your blog be about things besides pregnancy and baby, but it will get increasingly harder as your life becomes centered around your little bundle of fun. I am not saying that you shouldn't try it, just warning that it will get hard. Ask Samantha. I know she wanted a blog about stuff besides Zara, but I think at times she has a hard time doing that.

And now, some unsolicitated advice. I personally think the Bob Revolution stroller with the car seat attachment is the BEST stroller in the entire world.

amy said...

that's why i try to post pictures. i don't expect everyone to read my dull posts...i wouldn't. maybe skim, i skim a lot, try to glean the highlights. i hope the pictures keep people coming back despite the dull read...perhaps, though, the multitude of pics of my kids is overkill as well unless you're related.
blog whatever you want, though...i do it more for the future so my kids can read about my everyday life with them.

Samantha said...

Yeah I just gave up.I figure I should have a Zara blog and a my-thoughts blog but that sounds time-consuming.

I don't mind pregnancy posts. You look cute and tiny.

The nursing cover you gave me- I LOVED. It was perfect.

Melissa and Trevor said...

very cute nursing cover. I just got one and I am so excited to use it, they were not around with the other 2. How did I ever use just a blanket?
Your tummy looks so cute! I really think mine is much bigger and I am about 3 weeks behind you-now that is not fair. I will blame it on this being the 3rd or is it my love for candy????

Kathryn Sutton said...

What a cute little belly. Not a stretch mark on it. I haven't seen one of those in a long time.

coriconnors said...

Cori Connors here, John's mom -- HOW CUTE ARE YOU!!!!?!!! We are so excited for you guys, and especially for that lucky little girl! Hang in there with the baby baking! And for what it is worth, I say disposable diapers! It is safer for the whole family, and even though it might be more ecologically sound to go with cloth, it is more emotionally sound to lessen the shock and burden of such a life changing thing. Shoot me...I'm just sayin'.
Love to Derrick and to you, Darling Mama!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, as a former Secret Pal, I'm wondering . . . will you knit for your baby? :)


lanni said...

i love your pregnancy post and your tummy is so cute... i too have that same blogging dilemma, so i've compromised with myself that i won't write long stories about max if i can post as many pictures as i want of max. it seems to be working so far.

and i love my nursing cover and i will also tell you that you are smart to use dark colors and make it two sided, so it's darker inside. this has been so great b/c it makes it so i can just tuck max away underneath and pinch the top closed and he will go to sleep in his own little pitch black cave instead of some of the other ones that let light in. so bravo. (i just realized that i told a long story. sorry)