Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's like the lotto, you've got to be in it to win it.

It's no secret I love the State Fair. The crowds, the animals, the exhibits, the food. Oh, the food. I love looking at the exhibits especially. Every year I see some of the things that win and think to myself, "Self, you should enter something into the State Fair." And every year I never do.

Except this year.

I researched it and checked the State Fair website obsessively until information was posted about how to enter. I decided to start small and just entered 2 photographs. I had to drop off my entries on Monday and the judging was today. From 10-4. Excuse me? That's like waiting for the cable guy. I decided to go later in the afternoon with hopes that most things would be judged already.

Well, I got there and realized the categories I had entered were already judged, and headed to the "Release Table" where you pick up entries that didn't win, while the remaining winning photos are being presented on the other side of the room, by category. They hand me one photo and tell me they don't have the other and that it must have won something. Say what?!?! I tried to ask around but nobody could tell me exactly what place it finished. So I have to wait until we go to the fair and see what kind of ribbon is on it! Oh, and the best part? The cash prize! First place gets....wait for it....12 bucks! Second place gets 11 and so on down. I don't know how many places they award. I don't really care how much money I get....I won something! I never win anything! So would you like to see the award-winning photograph?? Of course you would.

It's Gasworks Park, taken from a Duck Tour boat in Seattle back in September. The other photo, which did not win anything, was also taken in Seattle, at Pike's Market.

So there you go. My amateur photography skills coupled with my even more amateurish Photoshop skills won me something. I wish I had been there when it was critiqued...would have been interesting to see what they said about it. Oh well. Look for it at the fair this year!

How bout that. Skillz to pay....really small billz.


We are 3. said...

How funny is that!? Good job!

DeAnn said...

Well, now I'm going to the fair.

I entered muffins or cookies or something when I was a kid and got a blue ribbon. I would have rather had $12.

Sarah PAYTON said...

Looks neat home-fry. Glad you didn't submit a nude shot.

Yours, Mine, &, Crazy Daisy said...

See? THIS is why you live here! You are an official Wisconsinite now. :D Say Cheese!

Emmy said...

Yeah congrats!! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

We're going to have to start calling you "The Killer" because you killed it with that HOT photo of Gasworks Park. What many fail to recognize is that this monument has stood the test of time since being constructed in 1906 to manufacture gas from coal on the shore of Lake Union...timeless baby. Shame on the fair for not awarding at least a "participation" ribbon for the photo of the fruit stand, such vibrant colors and cliche vending are not appreciated these days.

Ruth said...

Congrats! How are you going to spend your big bucks?!

Megan said...

Wow Karen I never knew! How dare you hide such a talent! When is the fair?? Dev and I were just talking that we want to go this year.

Maria said...

Congratulations! So cool.

Stacy said...

How did I know a picture of my city would win such a big prize! That's why we love Seattle. Well done you.