Monday, August 14, 2006

Another one bites the dust...

Well, I guess Mary-Kate just couldn’t bear to live without her sister, because this morning she was belly-up. This just proves that I am incapable of supporting a life other than my own.

Lara suggested a Beta fish, which I considered. I had one in college, Sushi, that I inherited from my roommate Maika when she got deployed to Iraq. Sushi was a pretty good fish, and I liked having him around. Occasionally the heat would go out in our attic apartment and Sushi would freeze to death. Literally freeze to death. I would come home and he would be stiff and lifeless. I took him out of the bowl and poked him with a paperclip, but didn’t have the heart to flush him just then. So I put him back, and the next day when the heat came back on…Miracle of Miracles!!! He came back to life!!!! It was amazing! That happened once more but the third time proved to be too much for his little fishy heart, and he died. Anyway, I think I’ve had enough fish for awhile. I don’t like it when they die. And, I don’t really like cleaning their bowl either…A pet person I am not. Oh well.

Well, only 7 more hours of work today. If you have any good links, send em my way. I’m gonna need em!

1 comment:

Lara said...

Aw, you poor thing. True, I hate cleaning out the fishie bowls. But if you got a fish this time around, it wouldn't freeze to death. Now, being in WI it might GET DEPRESSED to death, but other than that, he'd be safe.