Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Valentine’s Day Part 1

The day before Valentine’s Day we had ourselves a little play date with our friends and everyone, kids and adults, exchanged Valentine’s. It was really cute to see the kids excited to exchange Valentine’s with each other, and it was fun to see what the adults came up with. We had yummy treats, candles, lipstick, nail polish, and more. We munched on yummy Valentine treats and just had a good time just loving on everyone!DSC_5138DSC_5148DSC_5142DSC_5141DSC_5144DSC_5147DSC_5150      
Stay tuned for Valentine’s Day Part 2, which was not as happy and joyful as Valentine’s Day Part 1….


Becky said...

Still sad I missed it and what happened the next day. Glad you're feeling better. You're so cute!

Melissa said...

Karen, your cookies look amazing! Do you have any tips on how you frosted them so perfectly?

Maria said...

You are awesome! Miss you.