Sunday, September 22, 2013

This post will make no sense. Promise.

I’m about to ramble, most likely, about random thoughts I’ve been having about Facebook lately. I’ve had this post on the back burner for a year or so. It has no real structure, mostly just observations and annoyances.

Am I the only one who is friends with people that just totally annoy them? I feel like I’ve done a pretty decent job of going through all my friends and getting rid of “friends” who are not really friends. The criteria I generally use is whether or not I would stop and talk to them if I saw them on the street or if I would want to have lunch with them. If the answer is no for either of those questions, they are mostly likely not a real friend and why the heck do I even care about their lives anyway? Pretty harsh, I know, but a girl’s gotta cut out the extra non-essential fluff from an already hectic life, amiright?

Anyway, there are a few specific people who pop up on my feed who just bug me to no end. Two are married to each other, and one is a girl I knew, all of them I knew at BYU. I’d say about 95% of their status updates/opinions are things that I disagree with. But for some reason I just can’t hide/unfriend them. There’s something fascinating about it to me. Maybe it’s the fact that they are all inactive Mormons now, I don’t know. One girl, (and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t read my blog anymore so hopefully I’m safe) loves to provoke controversy. She also loves to make fun of everyone else who doesn’t do what she does/like what she likes. For example, if the Super Bowl was on, she would post something like, “Am I the only smart person who doesn’t like football?” She prides herself on likes obscure artists and being such a wannabe hipster and with hipster kids that just love the obscure things she loves and heaven forbid likes anything mainstream and mocks those of us that do. (That would be me…I love fads and pop culture and mainstream. And a tiny bit of obscure stuff…but I’ll never claim hipster status!) But mostly they’re just liberal hippies that say dumb things.

Anyway…I’m still friends with these crazy people, and it always amazes me that at one point in my life I used to be real life, hang out regularly, friends with these people. They probably think the same thing about me, and that’s ok. I’m ok with who I am, just like they probably are with themselves. But I doubt it…who wants to be a liberal hippie?? ;)

I told you…there is absolutely no sense to this post. Just to say these people bug me but I can’t stop subscribing to their craziness.


David Luke said...

I love this. Couldn't agree more. I find it interesting that all of these "different" people are all the same....

David Luke said...

I'm assuming you know this is not David Luke:)

Unknown said...

If you're ever in Idaho, I want to have lunch!

Anonymous said...


Bro Becker

Yours, Mine, &, Crazy Daisy said...

I love being "friends" with bizarre people! It's like watching a reality show. The stranger it is, the harder it is to look away! I say, keep the whack jobs! They sound hilarious!